by Seda
And Seda walked into a new town and talked to the people there saying: "My garments are green because I hope for Peace, and they are made of Silk because Silk is tender and kind as all human beings should be.
But many people laughed at Seda because she was a mat- riarchist who preached the ways of the soft and the gentle, while the towns people were patriarchists who believed in the ways of the rough and the vexing like their woolen clothes.
So Seda said to them: "AS LONG AS YOU LIVE FOR WOOL YOU SHALL HAVE WAR FOR ONLY SILK SAVES". And upon hearing this the towns people were amazed and asked Seda to explain what she meant.
And Seda said: "when you wear wool you feel uncomfor- table and angry, but when you wear silk your flesh feels the touch of that which pleases and gives joy instead of tortur- ing and itching. And there are slothes for war and clothes for peace. And those who dress for war are lacking in soft feelings and delicate toush, for they seldom wear silk".
But the towns people began to moek Seda and ask her: "are you a silk merchant who is trying to sell us something?" And Seda smiled with understanding for she knew most people believe that human hearts are only moved by profit motives. So Seda pointed out to the green horizon beyond the hills and said: "there, not far away, those who want peace and live together, work for free so all mankind will dress in silk. Thus all of you who want to know my peaceful motives should follow me beyond the hills where those who feel like me devote their lives to tasks of joy and love in simple human fellowship with Silk".
And some one in the erowd was so astonished that he asked Seda: "you mean to say you live for silk alone?"
And Seda said: "blessed are those who live for Silk, for they shall not want, for they shall need little to be